Key Tasks:
-Technical release recommendation of vehicle aerodynamic performance through specific simulation software including Powerflu, Star etc. Based on whole vehicle consumption, to optimize the aerodynamic coefficient Cw and A.
-Cooperate with design team to influence the project decision. Give input to e-range and consumption team.
-To estimate the forecasts according to his/her responsibility and to report the values in each project milestone for each vehicle version.
-To define targets according to his/her responsibility in agreement with other areas involved, in order to ensure the competitiveness in the local market. To report the fulfillment of these targets.
-o follow up according to his/her responsibility the status of the projects in development, to inform and escalate in order to make decisions in time.
-To evaluate and analyze technical changes in Model Changes, in AeKOs, and others, in order to assess the impact in the area of his/her responsibility. To inform and escalate such assessments.
- To analyze and to report the test results in a standard format, including technical release, findings, results, and conclusions.
- To plan the test program in a standard format, to control timing, to document deviations, and to report to project coordinators.
-To hold a permanent communication with the specialists in EGT and EBW/D in VWAG, to discuss test results, test requirements, deviations, new test developments, etc.
-Technical release recommendation of vehicle aerodynamic performance through specific simulation software including Powerflu, Star etc. Based on whole vehicle consumption, to optimize the aerodynamic coefficient Cw and A.
-Cooperate with design team to influence the project decision. Give input to e-range and consumption team.
-To estimate the forecasts according to his/her responsibility and to report the values in each project milestone for each vehicle version.
-To define targets according to his/her responsibility in agreement with other areas involved, in order to ensure the competitiveness in the local market. To report the fulfillment of these targets.
-o follow up according to his/her responsibility the status of the projects in development, to inform and escalate in order to make decisions in time.
-To evaluate and analyze technical changes in Model Changes, in AeKOs, and others, in order to assess the impact in the area of his/her responsibility. To inform and escalate such assessments.
- To analyze and to report the test results in a standard format, including technical release, findings, results, and conclusions.
- To plan the test program in a standard format, to control timing, to document deviations, and to report to project coordinators.
-To hold a permanent communication with the specialists in EGT and EBW/D in VWAG, to discuss test results, test requirements, deviations, new test developments, etc.
. Qualification and skills required:
-Master Degree in Automotive Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, or similar.
-It is expected that after 3 to 5 years work experience, the described responsibilities can be fulfilled.
-Fluent communication and excellent writing skills are required which means a minimum level of B2 is required for German or English can meet the needs of daily work (written and spoken).


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